We work on campaigns to win progressive policy victories on issues of economic and racial justice that build the power of low-income workers, people of color, and immigrants. This year, we’re utilizing the power of our national network to impact the 2020 election with our first-ever Presidential Endorsement. Click here for more information.
Corporate Backers of Hate
Major corporations stand to profit from Trump’s hateful agenda. That's why we call them Backers of Hate. Read up on the facts and then tell their CEOs and Board members what you think! Give the Corporate #BackersofHate hell >>
The Richmond Fed President
One of the most important economic policymaking positions in the country, the head of the Richmond Federal Reserve, has a vacant seat. Instead of filling this seat with another Wall Street insider, we need someone who actually understands and represents working folks. Sign your support now >>
#WeFightBack Together!
Donald Trump's victory last November made it very clear that we'd have to fight his Administration hard, and we'd have to fight often. Join us in fighting back against the Trump Administration, backwards politicians in office, and others who are are working to disenfranchise our communities and take away our power! Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you fight back >>
Support Automatic Voter Registration!
Automatic Voter Registration is one simple way to streamline our voting process and increase individuals' participation in our democracy. Automatic Voter Registration ensures the government, whether state or federal, depending on the law, adopts the responsibility of registering eligible voters, reduces state government costs of paper registration systems, increases voter participation, and could bring 55 million new voters to the rolls nationwide. Sign our pledge demanding Automatic Voter Registration for all Americans >>
The Fight for Fair Wages
The current minimum wage is driving working people deeper into poverty across the country. While the cost of housing, food and other every day needs has risen, the minimum wage has not kept pace. Donald Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other Republicans don't think there is anything wrong with our federal minimum wage. If millionaires and billionaires in office don't want to raise the wage, then they certainly don't deserve our vote! Stand with workers and sign our pledge now declaring yourself a minimum wage voter >>
Take a Stand Against Corporate Greed!
Most workers in our country are paid by the hour, and all too frequently their hours are cut, or they vary wildly week-to-week. We also see working people having to take on two or even three jobs to make ends meet, because businesses are more concerned with keeping the money at the top than offering workers more hours. Sign the pledge now to support workers and take a stand against corporate greed >>